Shows 1 - 1 of found 0 of total -,

Xany Star Korolevskoe Pomestey

GIC Infinity from Miracle GardenπŸ”BSH ny 25
Cerise de Notre Dame de CreuseπŸ”BSH ay 25
CH Oll'Josy Fox CatπŸ”BSH ny 25
NatalyLand's Golden YasiaπŸ”BSH ny 11 33
Golden Helios von Grimms BarchenπŸ”BSH ny 11
Oll Josy's DentelleπŸ”BSH ns 11 33
NatalyLand's Richard Lion's Heart (Mormot)πŸ”BSH ny 25
Elysee Oll`Josy (of NatalyLand)πŸ”BSH ny 11
GC Silver Valentyn van ElsdieckπŸ”BSH ns 11
Golden Emelie vom WahrbergπŸ”BSH ny 11
EC Bluegold Nougat d'OaxacaπŸ”BSH ay 11
CH Noelani of Mystery's DreamπŸ”BSH ny 25
CH Bee-Jay Golden Macho Boy of Golden FlameπŸ”BSH ny 11
Bluebell von Bella DivaπŸ”BSH ay 22
CH Ferrero Blue Kiss d’OaxacaπŸ”BSH ay 11
IC Duquesa Rubia d'OaxacaπŸ”BSH ny 11

We can not guarantee that the pedigree information is correct.