Shows 1 - 1 of found 0 of total -,

CH Meggie Frostiness

Oscar from Irenas DreamšŸ”BSH ny 24
Scoenweg Higher PresencešŸ”BSH ns 11 33
CH Odin von Lisa's TraumšŸ”BSH ns 11 33
CH Kiss Me from Irenas DreamšŸ”BSH ay 11
IC Ferresford Silver LegendšŸ”BSH ns 11
IC High Hesket's X-tasyšŸ”BSH ns 11
SC Harry vom KoberlandšŸ”BSH n 21 33
Birdy of New Celtic HengešŸ”BSH ns 12 33
Jadwiga's Silver James CookšŸ”BSH ns 11
High Hesket's Silver Vanilla SkyšŸ”BSH ns 11 33
CACJ Gryffindors Golden XenonšŸ”BSH ny 11
IC Passimilla's UndercoveršŸ”BSH as 11 33
CH Lucky von Elami'sšŸ”BSH ns 21 33
Tess Baby Doll Crazy BluešŸ”BSH ns 11 33
WC High Hesket's X-linešŸ”BSH ns 25
Golden Innocence of Mystery's DreamšŸ”BSH ny 25

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