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Golden Valmonte's Barselona

GIC Infinity from Miracle GardenπŸ”BSH ny 25
Alison Queen of SunsityπŸ”BSH ns 21 33
GC Silver Valentyn van ElsdieckπŸ”BSH ns 11
Golden Emelie vom WahrbergπŸ”BSH ny 11
IC Gucci of Emmelis EditionπŸ”BSH ny 25
IC Gold Rubinia d'OaxacaπŸ”BSH ny 11
GIC Velasquez Rubio D'OaxacaπŸ”BSH ny 11
Fantasy in Gold of Silver LegendπŸ”BSH ny 11
IC Calando of Mystery's DreamπŸ”BSH ns 11
GC Mary Lu von FeldenπŸ”BSH ny 11
GIC Silver Joshua vom Goldenen WinkelπŸ”BSH ns 11
Caramel Vitty Golden FleeceπŸ”BSH ny 24
WC Incredibly Golden of Mystery's DreamπŸ”BSH ny 11
Charming Stefany de Notre Dame de CreuseπŸ”BSH ny 25
Thie-Sun Vivien MormotπŸ”BSH ns 22
IC Golden Happiness of Mystery's DreamπŸ”BSH ny 25

We can not guarantee that the pedigree information is correct.