Masterkatten's page

Computer games

2024-12-30. sc_protect_3.3.6-beta3 is reported to be working with the latest version of HL2DM.

2013-08-04. Linuxversionen also built with SteamPipe/SteamCMD. (3.3.6.beta5)

2013-05-10. New version that make it possible to protect player in different ways. The different methods needs to be tested thoroughly by all you that use my plugin, so please repport any bugs! See sc_protect.txt and below about scp_protect_methods. Fixed a bug in the auto help system that Steampipe seem to have provoked on Windows.

2012-11-10. I have added a new version of sc_protect; 3.3.5-beta2. After some tweaking of compiler settings and Source SDK it seems to link corretly with the new libraries from October 2012 in SRCDS OrangeBox under Linux.

2011-10-16. The last source engine update cause problems with sc_protect. The reason is that it no longer works to set an extremly high health on a player to protect it. I have made a first test with a relatively low health, 1524 instead of 65524 :-), that seem to be close to the limit of what now is allowed, but it is possible that is too low with some combinations of weapons. Please test version 3.3.4-beta1 and report.

Here you can download some of my HalfLife 2 Deathmatch maps; dm_clockworks, dm_chasm, dm_tivoli and dm_adams. In some future there will also be pictures. There will also be new projects...

I have also added versions of my server plugin for Spawn and Chat protection; sc_protect. OBS if you use my plugin, check that you don\'t also use any eventscripts that do spawn protection at the same time!

sc_protect_3.3.6-beta5.zip312 kB2013-08-04 20:47
sc_protect_3.3.6-beta3.zip285 kB2013-05-10 15:51
sc_protect_3.3.5-beta2.zip282 kB2012-11-10 13:22
sc_protect_3.3.4-beta1.zip275 kB2011-10-16 13:31
sc_protect_3.3.3.zip269 kB2011-06-26 13:18
sc_protect_3.3.3-beta4.zip274 kB2011-01-06 15:03
sc_protect_3.3.2.zip264 kB2010-10-15 21:26
sc_protect_3.3.1-oe.zip270 kB2009-02-28 19:44
sc_protect_3.3.1.zip320 kB2008-12-08 21:18
sc_protect_3.2.9.zip349 kB2007-07-12 16:52
dm_adams.bsp.bz22.2 MB2007-05-29 19:45
sc_protect_1.2.4.zip340 kB2007-04-16 12:08
dm_tivoli_b18.bsp.bz23.24 MB2007-04-16 12:08
dm_clockwork_b37.bsp2.83 MB2007-04-16 12:07
dm_chasm_b45.bsp.bz23.28 MB2007-04-16 12:07

Change history


- added other protection methods
-- scp_protect_methods <flags>, default 255
-- arithmetically add values to get <flags> value
--- 1 => high health
--- 2 => SolidType SOLID_NONE
--- 4 => CollisionGroup COLLISION_GROUP_IN_VEHICLE (10)
--- 8 => flags FL_FROZEN
--- 16 => flags FL_GODMODE
- changed default for high health as client display
- show 4 digits but does not have room for them
-- scp_protect_health, deafult 999
- fixed bug in autohelp
- Built for Steampipe/SteamCMD, both Windows and Linux


- Linux; recompiled with October 2012 libraries
-- tweaked compilation settings and 2007 Source SDK a bit


- changed healt used during protection,
- as source engine update could no longer handle very high values
- and added new cvar to be able to adjust in future
-- scp_protect_health, default 1524


- recompiled for updates of Source
- fixed serious bug in player list handler
- fixed bug that crashed server when changing read only cvar scp_version
- optimized player handling
- changed more code for multithreading safety
- DISABLED parts of weapons handling for the moment
-- scp_weapon_mode <flags>, default 0


- compiled for Orange Box
- steam Friends deafult buttons no longer go out of protection
- changed handling of weapons and ammo during protection
- different things happens when a player is protected and move compared to attack;
-- move: protection is deactivated and weapons are restored after scp_off_delay
-- attack/shoot: protection is immediatly deativated if scp_off_onfire
-- and weapons are restored after scp_attack_delay
-- scp_attack_delay <time>, default 0.5
- replaced convar scp_ammo_refill with scp_weapon_mode
-- scp_weapon_mode <flags>, default 15
--- How to handle weapons and ammo.
--- Arithmetically add the wanted values to get the <flags> value;
--- 0 => all flags off,
--- 1 => EXPRIMENTAL, may cause problems, strip weapons during protection,
--- 2 => EXPRIMENTAL, may cause problems, restore weapons after protection,
--- 4 => strip ammo during protection,
--- 8 => restore ammo after protection


- same as 3.3.1 but Linux plugin is compiled in older compilation environment
- for compatibility with some (older?) Linux systems,
- try this version if you have trouble with 3.3.1 on Linux


- fixed bug when unloading the module
-- protected players now get unprotected at unload

- figured out why some linux servers could not use the plugin

- new commands for forcing player to unprotected state
-- scp_unprotect id...
-- scp_unprotect_all


- fixed bug with color when player goes to spectate, thanks Mannis!

- extended range of values
-- scp_spawn_on [0, 1, 2], default 1
--- 0 = off
--- 1 = all spawn
--- 2 = only connect spawn

- added timeouts on protection and other states
-- scp_deafult_timeout, default 0
-- scp_connect_timeout, default 0
-- scp_spawn_timeout, default 0
-- scp_chat_timeout, default 0
-- scp_idle_timeout, default 0
-- scp_dead_timeout, default 0

- added commands to run at certain events
-- scp_on_cmd, default none, first %d expand to userid, second to type
-- scp_off_cmd, default none, first %d expand to userid, second to type, third to reason
-- scp_timeout_cmd, default none, first %d expand to userid, second to type
--- example of AFK like use; scp_timeout_cmd kickid %d kicked for being inactive
--- remember to also set scp_default_timeout or other timeouts correctly 
-- scp_attacked_cmd, default none, first %d expand to userid, second to attackerid

- added sending events that Huricane, Eventscripts and others can use;
-- event scp_on {userid short, type short}
-- event scp_off {userid short, type short, reason short}
-- event scp_timeout {userid short, type short}
-- event scp_attacked {userid short, attacker short}
--- protect type: 0 = connect, 1 = spawn, 2 = chat, 3 = idle, 4 = dead 
--- deactivate reason: 0: moved, 1: attacked, 2: timeout
-- cvar scp_events_file, default addons/sc_protect.res

- disable messages to bots
- dont punish bots for shooting at protected players

- fixed bug when spawn protect is off and chat protect is on
- fixed bot detection so more bots are detected
- changed default for bots protection
-- scp_protect_bots, default 1
- no punishment when hitting protected bots, new Convar
-- scp_attacker_bots_punish, default 0
- thanks Superhebbe and Orbital for finding the bugs and testing :-)

- fixed teleport on push, i hope :-)
- changed priority for messages
-- scp_msg_level_first, default 3
-- scp_msg_level_last, default 0

- teleport when pushed only when under attack
-- scp_attack_teleport_interval, default 1 second
-- set to 0 for no teleporting
- moved ammo to allow refill directly when starting to move
- changed default for
-- scp_off_delay, default 0.5 seconds

- ammo is not refilled during protection
-- scp_ammo_refill, default 0
- teleports back when pushed during protection
- protection stays on a configurable time after moving and not fighting
-- scp_off_delay, default 1 second *** changed to 0.5 seconds
-- scp_off_onfire, default 1
- protection not allowed under water
-- scp_chat_in_water, default 0
- new convar; scp_render_mode, default 4, transparent
- linking changed so it works on more Linux flavors
- bumb version to avoid confusion with Jussis versions, 1.97, 2.00

- fixed degenerating timers
- fixed "is protected" message for attacker to work again
- fixed down buttons at spawn

- changed field lookup method