Shows 1 - 1 of found 0 of total -,

IC Pymans Blue Berry

EC Gold Amaretto d'Oaxaca๐Ÿ”BSH ny 11
L'Avvenires Deanna Troi๐Ÿ”BSH as 11
EC Silver-Bajazzo d'Oaxaca๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
IC Orange-Pekoe d'Oaxaca๐Ÿ”BSH ny 11
Gishmo vom Juwelental๐Ÿ”BSH ny 25 / ny 11
IC Orange-Pekoe d'Oaxaca๐Ÿ”BSH ny 11
EC Jadwiga's Valentino๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
Annaida's Golden Molly๐Ÿ”BSH ny 24
CH Pennydown Maverick๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
IC Xanadu vom Maegdebrunnen (Xani)๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
Teddy vom Haus Aden๐Ÿ”BSH ns 12
GC, IP Silver-Donna von Quintana๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
S*Spinner's Aha! Jama'ha Jamie (Jamie)๐Ÿ”BSH ns 12
IC S*Esteticas Ywette (Ywette)๐Ÿ”BSH ny 24
CH Coppins Golddigger๐Ÿ”BSH ny 12
Coppins Bonnie Belle๐Ÿ”BSH ny 12

We can not guarantee that the pedigree information is correct.