Shows 1 - 1 of found 0 of total -,

CH NatalyLand's Golden Point Bella Stella

Country Castle's Honey Bรคrchen๐Ÿ”EXO ny 11
Piper-Sweet Witch von der Altmarkperle๐Ÿ”EXO ny 11
EC Sacha Fils Oll'Josy๐Ÿ”BSH ny 11
AbyGold von Grimm's Bรคrchen๐Ÿ”BSH ny 11
CH Silver Santiago d'Oaxaca๐Ÿ”BSH as 11
IC Silver Beverly von Lisa's Traum๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
CH Eddy vom Zoo๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11 33
IC High Hesket's Lady Isis๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11 33
EC Bluegold Nougat d'Oaxaca๐Ÿ”BSH ay 11
IC Craigdhu Silver Mystery๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
GIC Andy vom Wahrberg๐Ÿ”BSH ny 11
CH Jadwiga's Golden Undine๐Ÿ”BSH ny 11
IC Jadwiga's Silver Mario Lanza๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
IC Silver-Nadine von Wahrberg๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
WCH Witchwoods Lionheart๐Ÿ”BSH ny 12
GIC Pearl of Empire's Revolution in Love๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11

We can not guarantee that the pedigree information is correct.