Shows 1 - 1 of found 0 of total -,

SC FIN*Gnome's Hello, I Love You (Korppu)

EC & WC Leonardo da Vinci vum RousegaardπŸ”BSH ns 11
GC, WCH Pearl of Empire's Santa-LuciaπŸ”BSH ns 11
EC Asterix of Sarsen StonesπŸ”BSH ns 11
Pauline du Soleil d'ArgentπŸ”BSH ns 11
EC&JW Lysander vum RousegaardπŸ”BSH ns 11
CH Old Possum's XaraπŸ”BSH ns 12
IC Vincent Silver of BritainπŸ”BSH ns 11
IC Pearl of Empire's ZestaπŸ”BSH ns 11
Donyosabuk Tough Enough (Tuffingen)πŸ”BSH ns 12
CH S*Spinner's Peggy SueπŸ”BSH ns 11
CH S*Catpearl's Baryt Green (Baryt)πŸ”BSH ns 11
CH S*Kristallkattens Esmeralda (Esmeralda)πŸ”BSH ns 11
GIC Holtas Lindus (Lindus)πŸ”BSH ns 11
Zingfro Peach Melba, DM (Melba)πŸ”BSH ny 12
EC&EP FIN*Casahin Sir Henry (Henkka)πŸ”BSH ns 11
IC S*Esteticas Ywette (Ywette)πŸ”BSH ny 24

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