Shows 1 - 1 of found 0 of total -,

Golden Silvia of Great Heart

CH Cyrano of Emmeli's Edition๐Ÿ”BSH ny 11
CH Craigdhu Silver Temptation๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
EC Jadwiga's Valentino๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
Annaida's Golden Molly๐Ÿ”BSH ny 24
IC Gucci of Emmelis Edition๐Ÿ”BSH ny 25
IC Gold Rubinia d'Oaxaca๐Ÿ”BSH ny 11
WCH Witchwoods Lionheart๐Ÿ”BSH ny 12
CH Pearl of Empire's X-treme๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
Diamant van Wierinxveste๐Ÿ”PER ns 12
Xafinesse van Wierinxvest๐Ÿ”PER ny 11
GIC Neron of Accoโ€™s Royal๐Ÿ”BSH ny 22
GIC Nirvana Silver of Britan๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
WCH Witchwoods Lionheart๐Ÿ”BSH ny 12
GIC Pearl of Empire's Revolution in Love๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
WCH Witchwoods Lionheart๐Ÿ”BSH ny 12
GIC Pearl of Empire's Revolution in Love๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11

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