Shows 1 - 1 of found 0 of total -,

IC RU*Golden Knopka's Arsen

CH Cyrano of Emmeli's EditionπŸ”BSH ny 11
CH Craigdhu Silver TemptationπŸ”BSH ns 11
EC Jadwiga's ValentinoπŸ”BSH ns 11
Annaida's Golden MollyπŸ”BSH ny 24
CH Marvellous Silver Ramzes IIπŸ”BSH ns 12
Marvellous Golden DreamπŸ”BSH ny 25
Florestan zur RΓ€uberhΓΆhleπŸ”BSH ny 11
Penny Lane du Moulin D'AmelghemπŸ”BSH ny 22
IC Marvellous Golden RadetzkyπŸ”BSH ny 25
Tjarde von FeldenπŸ”BSH ny 11
Sovereign's No LimitπŸ”BSH ns 11
Du Blue D'or Argentin NuancΓ©'s Golden CatalinaπŸ”BSH ny 11
CH Golden-Ivanhoe vom Goldenen WinkelπŸ”BSH ny 11
Cora Dominika PeppercatsπŸ”BSH ns 11
CH Golden-Ivanhoe vom Goldenen WinkelπŸ”BSH ny 11
Cora Dominika PeppercatsπŸ”BSH ns 11

We can not guarantee that the pedigree information is correct.