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Etienne von Grimms Bรคrchen

GIC Silver Joshua vom Goldenen Winkel๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
Selby Snow Queen๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
CH Krown-Prince of Marcell๐Ÿ”BSH c 33
Khana-Shebi๐Ÿ”BSH a 33
EC Guinnes von der Blauen Rose๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
GIC Vilma-point vom Wahrberg๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11 33
GC Annaida's Golden Hathly๐Ÿ”BSH ny 11
WCH Carina vom Kreuzanger๐Ÿ”BSH ny 11
EC Gold Amaretto d'Oaxaca๐Ÿ”BSH ny 11
L'Avvenires Deanna Troi๐Ÿ”BSH as 11
GIC Silver-Justinian vom Goldenen Winkel๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
IC High Hesket's Lady Isis๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11 33
GIC Parcifal d'Alba de I'lle de Miel๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
GIC Patty-Belle des Nรจbres๐Ÿ”BSH ns 11
Teacup now Oll'Josy๐Ÿ”BLH ns 11
Thalia des Monts de l'Olympe๐Ÿ”BSH ns 12

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